Treatment of degenerative cervical vertebrae with folk remedies and drugs

Fibroids of the cervix are the most common type of bone tumors, with this disease in the cervical vertebra overgrowth of bone tissue leading to compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine. As a result of such compression, it is malnutrition of the tissues of the spine. Such osteonecrosis develops in people who keep the neck spine under stress.

Treatment of this bone necrosis with folk remedies or drugs should be carried out in the early stages of the disease.

And to identify cervical bone tumors, it is necessary to know the symptoms of this type of bone tumor in order to have timely treatment for this disease.

Cervical fibroids: symptoms of the disease

Usually, people begin to think about treating bone necrosis after the pain starts. That is when we think of the question: how to cure genital warts by folk methods or with medicine.

  • Appearance of headaches, especially in the back of the head, neck pain when moving head, difficulty in motor functions of the neck.
  • A person often experiences dizziness, nausea, dark circles in the eyes, and noise in the ears.
  • These pain sensations can then travel down the body: to the arms and chest.
  • Patient has numbness in the fingertips, pain in the heart area.
  • With the progression of osteonecrosis, painful sensations of vibrations appear in the eyes, vision may be impaired.
  • If the scratching noise is accompanied by strong neck movements, this is a sign that you need to have a spinal examination.
  • In the future, with the development of this type of bone necrosis disease, you may develop a number of dangerous diseases yourself: ischemia of the brain or spinal cord, atrophy of the hand.

Before treating genital warts, this disease needs to be diagnosed by a specialist - a doctor after examination and based on the symptoms. You may be offered the following exams: MRI, X-rays, tomography.

Cervical fibroids: drug treatment

medicine to treat cervical bone necrosis

To relieve pain during the exacerbation of cervical necrosis, drugs are often prescribed - pain relievers.

The most suitable medicine will be prescribed by the specialist based on the examination results.

Osteochondrosis: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical bone tumors

Traditional treatment of bone tumors is even more widely applied than treating this disease with drugs. But to get the best results, these genital warts treatments must be combined with the advice of a specialist. Folk remedies applied in the treatment of this disease are mainly to relieve pain and prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Compression is widely used in the treatment of osteonecrosis by folk remedies.

  1. Mash hot boiled potatoes and add the same amount of honey. Place the prepared cake on the spine of the neck, use a plastic bag and cloth to keep warm. Soak until the cake is cool. This can be done several times a day.
  2. Mix aloe juice with the same amount of dried mustard, add propolis and vodka. We put the mixture on top of the cervical spine and covered it with a cloth and plastic bag. This is best done before bed and kept overnight.
  3. Knead the dough from rye flour and water, bake a few cakes in the oven, apply hot on the neck and back of the head and cover with a thick cloth.
  4. When treating bone necrosis with folk remedies, you can make compresses from the decoction of herbs such as burdock leaves and roots, and St. John's herb. John, dandelion root. When sharpening these herbs, take a thick cloth soaked in moisture, then apply it to the spine of the neck, cover with cellophane and hold it for about 30 minutes, then remove the pack and wrap the towel around the neck.

You can also treat osteonecrosis with the following folk remedies:

  1. Mix the aloe juice with the same amount of radish juice, add a little vodka and liquid honey. This mixture is taken on an empty stomach once a day.
  2. Prepare a decoction of the oregano, chamomile, and hops, pour boiling water over these herbs and leave in the dark for about 3 days. The resulting product is taken 1 tablespoon twice a day.
  3. You can prepare a decoction of parsley root: add 500 g of water, 3 tablespoons of herbs, boil for one hour. Drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
  4. Pour red elderberries with wine and leave for 7 days. Alcohol can rub the neck spine area.
  5. You can prepare an ointment from lard and hop cones, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. With this ointment, thoroughly rub the spine of the neck and the back of the head and wrap these with a scarf. The best massage should be done before going to bed, in the morning wash with a towel and rub the scalp and neck skin.

Exercises to treat bone necrosis

Exercise for cervical bone necrosis

The exercises listed below are effective in treating bone necrosis. These exercises are aimed at restoring muscle tone in the cervical spine, which improves blood circulation in the neck.

  1. Put your hand on the padlock, press the front part of the head. At this time, as if resisting, press the head with his hand. Hold pressure for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the first exercise. The only thing is that the hand press does not rub the forehead, but presses the left and right ear respectively.
  3. Exercises are aimed at relaxing the muscles in the neck. This exercise can be done, for example, if you work with the computer for a long time. Relax your neck muscles and lower your head to your chest. Try to feel how heavy your head is. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
  4. This exercise is similar to the previous one. Lower your head to your chest, relax your muscles, and roll your head from your lower shoulder to your other shoulder. Exercise is done slowly.
  5. Keep neck straight, head straight. Turn your head to the right trying to stretch your right shoulder, then turn your head to the left trying to stretch your left shoulder. This exercise stretches the muscles in the neck.

All of the best cervical osteonecrosis treatments should be used in combination.

But! Before starting any treatment for genital warts, make sure you have this particular condition, get a full examination and consult your doctor.

Diet for bone necrosis

Finally, I would like to note that, in the treatment of genital warts it is necessary to follow a diet.

It is better to eat more often and in smaller servings.

The diet should contain as little salt as possible, as little as possible from liquid, spicy and overly salty foods, strong tea or coffee.

You will have to exclude baked goods from your diet, as well as sweets and carbonated beverages.

Do not eat mayonnaise. Don't include canned foods in your diet. These products only clog the blood and have no benefit.

Your diet should include the following foods:

  1. Milk, cheese, hard cheese, rye bread (ie calcium).
  2. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, scallions (i. e. manganese and vitamins A, B and C).
  3. Meat, seafood, nuts, including seeds, liver (ie copper and vitamins B and D).
  4. Marked eggs, fish, meat and milk (ie phosphorus).

Diet is not complicated! I wish you good health and successful treatment of genital warts.